Is Humanity Moving Backwards?

As homo sapiens, we are animals. What separates humans from other species, though? It’s more than just physical appearances. We have incredible brains. All brains start with the same basic structure, which is the part of the brain that focuses on survival. As you move along in the animal kingdom, you find the development of brains into more complex areas. The most developed part of the brain is the frontal lobe. Most animals do not have this. The frontal lobe is where reasoning happens. Logic, and rationale. Animals are violent in nature because it’s a survival mechanism to them. Animals don’t have the ability to show reason. Since the least developed part of the brain is the part that controls survival, and the frontal lobe controls problem solving skills, when our lives are in danger as humans, base instinct takes over and we may resort to violence in order to save our own lives.

Is violence moral? I would argue that the only way violence is moral is if the our lives are in danger, or the lives of loved ones. In those moments, we cannot help that we are animals, protecting ourselves. Barring life-endangered moments, when is violence moral? I do not think that violence is the proper response to solving problems. The very reason that problem solving rests in the most developed part of the brain is because once life-endangered moments have passed, we have the ability to use rationale to solve problems. In fact, violence has an incredibly damaging effect to our brains. This has been shown countless times, in countless ways. People that grow up in violent homes have various psychological difficulties, including but not limited to PTSD, depression, anxiety, and ending in suicide. War veterans have high rates of the above psychological difficulties, and an alarming rate of suicide. Victims of one-time violent crimes have similar problems. And even though people have maladjusted psychological reactions to these acts of violence, it somehow perpetuates the idea that violence solves problems. Violence creates more problems than it solves. The more I talk to people, the more I see that people value the idea that violence solves problems, despite all of the evidence to the contrary.

I don’t understand why this is. People are not using their frontal lobes. All this power in the brain, for finding other means to solve problems, going to waste. It’s devastating to me. Is it so ingrained in our consciousness that people just don’t know any other way to think? Cognitive dissonance comes up whenever someone tries to explain the various ways that problems can be solved. We’ve created a society that is no different than the animals we evolved to be different from. There’s evidence that human brains are shrinking. Some people have said that maybe our brains have gotten better at compacting data and don’t need to be as large. Some people have said that it’s evolution choosing against aggression, but I don’t know what part of the brain is shrinking, or if it’s a combination. If it’s the frontal lobe that is shrinking, that would not be an indication of evolution choosing against aggression.

When I ask someone if it’s okay for a gun-wielding gang to come into your town, demand you follow certain rules at the risk of being thrown into a cage, more than likely they will say no, that is not okay. But then you ask what the difference between that gang and the government is, people come up with excuses. Well, you get to vote for the people in office. Do you really? Then most people will admit that politicians are corrupt and corruptible, being bought by powerful companies. Well, we need government for the criminals. Yes, there are immoral people out there, doing the wrong things. However, remember when we talked about survival, and how we lose the ability to reason when our lives are in danger? Poverty is institutionalized, and created by those in power. People do not have equal opportunities, and they will do what they think is necessary to survive. Is it okay that people commit crimes to survive? This is not a simple matter, but it’s made worse by government systems, which offers no rehabilitation services whatsoever. If we truly cared about people, this would not be the case. There are other excuses people give, but they are just that: excuses.

People also see the government as a tool to dictate social behavior. I don’t like this, therefore, it should be a law. Thus, is the problem with the shrinking of the brain and why I do not think that it’s due to evolution choosing against aggression. The state, the government, itself is a tool of aggression. If you’re breaking a “law,” the police have the permission to take you against your will, which is the opposite of freedom and liberty. People argue this, but it is a fact. By using the government to dictate social behavior, you’re admitting you want your neighbors, your friends, your loved ones taken and prosecuted by a violent force if they do something you don’t agree with, even if it harms no one. Obama himself said that the idea of the government is a monopoly on violence. I think we can agree that actions that harm other human beings is wrong, such as rape, murder, assault, etc. If those are the basic foundations to law, we have far more laws than are necessary. There are more laws than can be read in four lifetimes.

The entire reason I’m saying all of this is because I watched Utopia, and my heart was heavy. It’s a reality show where 15 people are to start a new society, with no laws except for the ones they write. There are people from all different kinds of backgrounds. I thought it was nice that they have a polyamorist in the mix, but the “Libertarian” guy they have is a douchebag. He’s one of those people that said “No one can tell me what to do and I don’t care what I do to others,” which is not the foundation of libertarian principle. He didn’t say those exact words, but it was something similar. Libertarian principles come from a place of human understanding, compassion, and empathy. You don’t harm me, I don’t harm you. It’s not about being a dick to everyone else and claiming that’s freedom and liberty in and of itself that no one can tell you what to do. What I saw on Utopia was a lot of fighting, violence, and yelling. I think the vast majority of people are at a loss as to find other ways to solve problems.

Humanity is moving backwards, or at the very least stagnant in evolution of thoughts. People lack empathy. They also lack problem solving skills that don’t involve violence, or the aggression and initiation of violence. It struck me as I watched this show that the vast amount of human beings cannot handle rational problem solving. Sure, this was only 14 people (the 15th person enters the “compound” later), but I think it’s indicative of humans in general, because I see this all the time. What is the solution to that?

I’ve been thinking more and more about intentional communities. I’ve been interested in moving to New Hampshire for two years now, and I want to do it sooner rather than later. I’ve slowly stopped talking about philosophies of non-violence, because cognitive dissonance is so incredibly strong that I cannot combat it with what I say. I want to live with people that share the same philosophy of non-violence. Sadly, it’s become increasingly apparent that humans are going to doom themselves by letting things continue. I would rather co habitat with those that agree with me. Many people have influenced my evolving philosophy, and I will always be grateful to them. I cannot wait for the day that I can be one of them in the Free State.

Some people may not ascribe to this label, but I am proud to be a peace-loving hippie. Being surrounded by like-minded people is the best feeling in the world.

One thought on “Is Humanity Moving Backwards?

  1. I watched Utopia as well. I also didn’t understand the “Libertarian” guy, just as you said. I personally would have slapped the crap out of most of those people already for being so violent and verbally stupid (and just being stupid in general). They were so childish. I felt like ripping my hair out from how frustrated I was with the people. So far I only like the pastor, as he seems to be the most calm and level-headed from them all (and he’s conservative, like myself). Aaron, the chef, also seems kinda cool. I want to like Red and the SLC contractor, but they need to cool their heels asap.

    I’ll try to follow this show to see if they all grow up and mellow out, and see what kind of society they form for themselves by the end of the year, but with these prickly personalities I don’t know how much I will be able to tolerate haha. I had originally thought that 15 people was too small to have this kind of social experiment, but with these strong personalities already, I wouldn’t want to know what 30 or more people would be like.

    I’m a bit fuzzy on a few of the details of the show. I thought that at the beginning they said that they can “vote” someone out or choose the 15th person, but maybe that one chick’s baby will be the “15th”? Maybe they can get new people throughout the year? And what happens at the end – do the people who stay until the end get money, or how will this all conclude?

    Humans are an odd bunch.

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